In [1]:
import wisps
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import wisps.simulations as wispsim
import astropy.units as u
import splat.empirical as spe
import splat

Purpose: compare various luminosity functions

In [2]:
%matplotlib inline

In [3]:
baraffe=wispsim.make_systems(model_name='baraffe2003', bfraction=0.2)
saumon=wispsim.make_systems(model_name='saumon2008', bfraction=0.2)
sonora=wispsim.make_systems(model_name='marley2019', bfraction=0.2)
phillips=wispsim.make_systems(model_name='phillips2020', bfraction=0.2)

In [4]:
from import ascii

In [5]:
klf=pd.read_csv('/users/caganze/research/wisps/data/kirkpatricklf.txt', delimiter=',')'/users/caganze/research/wisps/data/daniellalf.txt').to_pandas()

In [6]:
def splat_mag_to_spt(mag):
    grid=np.arange(17, 39)
    rel=spe.typeToMag(grid, 'MKO_J',reference='dupuy2012')[0]
    vals= np.polyval(rel, grid)
    return np.interp(mag, vals[spt_sorted_idx], grid[spt_sorted_idx])

In [7]:
klf['tfm']=np.mean(np.array([klf.t0.values,]), axis=0)

In [8]:

In [9]:

In [10]:

In [11]:

M_J N N_trig N_phot SFplx SFphot N_corrected Density spt
0 9.75 4 4 0 0.15 0.16 38.65 0.928 17.0
1 10.25 51 41 10 0.27 0.27 273.75 6.570 17.0
2 10.75 68 60 8 0.66 0.61 150.76 3.620 17.0
3 11.25 50 49 1 0.92 0.80 79.00 1.900 17.0
4 11.75 41 39 2 0.96 0.79 62.55 1.500 17.0
5 12.25 30 28 2 0.96 0.78 45.99 1.100 17.0
6 12.75 25 24 1 0.92 0.76 39.71 0.940 17.0
7 13.25 26 24 2 0.76 0.62 50.44 1.210 17.0
8 13.75 16 14 2 0.53 0.38 45.91 1.100 17.0

In [12]:

t0 tf lf lfunc tfm spt
0 1950.0 2100.0 0.57 0.20 2025.0 23.0
1 1800.0 1950.0 0.48 0.12 1875.0 23.0
2 1650.0 1800.0 0.63 0.09 1725.0 23.0
3 1500.0 1650.0 0.78 0.11 1575.0 26.0
4 1350.0 1500.0 0.00 0.00 1425.0 25.0
5 1200.0 1350.0 0.00 0.00 1275.0 29.0
6 1050.0 1200.0 0.00 0.00 1125.0 33.0
7 900.0 1050.0 1.12 0.00 975.0 35.0
8 750.0 900.0 1.68 0.23 825.0 37.0
9 600.0 750.0 3.55 0.51 675.0 39.0
10 450.0 600.0 4.50 0.81 525.0 41.0
11 300.0 450.0 3.75 0.00 375.0 42.0
12 150.0 300.0 0.00 0.00 225.0 42.0

In [13]:
def ryan_lf(J):
    logphi=-0.30 + 0.11*(J-14) + 0.15*(J -14)**2.+ 0.015*(J-14)**3-0.00020*(J-14)**4
    return (10**logphi)*(10**-3)

def custom_histogram(things, grid, binsize):
    for g in grid:
        n.append(len(things[np.logical_and(g<=things, things< g+binsize)]))
    return np.array(n)

In [14]:
from import ascii

In [15]:
jgrid=np.arange(10, 18, .5)
teffgrid=np.arange(50, 4000, 150)

In [ ]:

In [16]:

normteff_bar = 0.63*(10**-3)/ len(teffs_bar[np.logical_and(teffs_bar>=1650, teffs_bar <=1800)])
normteff_saumon = 0.63*(10**-3)/ len(teffs_saumon[np.logical_and(teffs_saumon>=1650, teffs_saumon <=1800)])
normteff_sonora= 0.63*(10**-3)/ len(teffs_sonora[np.logical_and(teffs_sonora>=1650, teffs_sonora <=1800)])
normteff_phil=0.63*(10**-3)/ len(teffs_phil[np.logical_and(teffs_phil>=1650, teffs_phil <=1800)])
#jmags=wisps.drop_nan(spe.typeToMag(SIMULATED_DIST['spts'][0], '2MASS J')[0])
#jnorm=6.570*(10**-3)/len(jmags[np.logical_and(jmags>=10.25-.25, jmags <=10.25+.25)])

In [17]:
#sem_emp_phi_j=custom_histogram(jmags, jgrid, .5)*jnorm
baraffe_phi_teff=custom_histogram(teffs_bar, teffgrid, 150)*normteff_bar
saumon_phi_teff=custom_histogram(teffs_saumon, teffgrid, 150)*normteff_saumon
sonora_phi_teff=custom_histogram(teffs_sonora, teffgrid, 150)*normteff_sonora
phil_phi_teff=custom_histogram(teffs_phil, teffgrid, 150)*normteff_phil

In [18]:
#count how many things are in the masses of 0.1 and stuff and compare to 0.005 pc to 0.0037 pc^3

#2 things doing this 

#teff-> bolometric correction -> simulated luminosity ---> magnitude

#try will best's 2018 relation 
#and that we dont't complete samples for some magnitudes 
#compare to bochanski's measurement
#look at the scale factors between those two plots you might you want

#you should be plotting the fits that are 
#invert relations


#binary fraction (how many)
#binary fraction random 20% 
#binary mass ratio from a distribution from splat (allen et al. from splat)
#the secondary have a magnitude 
#the bianay 
#mag of the system by combining the flux
#hst magnitude of the secondary by adding the 
#adding the
#everything is laid out in burgasser 2007
#educational exercise to find thre number of stars and brown dwarfs

In [19]:
import seaborn as sns

In [20]:

In [21]:
fig, ax1=plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5), ncols=1)
#ax.step(jgrid, sem_emp_phi_j, color='#0074D9', label='Simulated')
#ax.step(jgrid,  ryan_lf(jgrid), color='#FF4136', label='RyanJr2017')
#ax.errorbar(dntb.M_J, dntb.Density*(10**-3), fmt='o', c='k', label='BG2019')

#ax.set_xlabel('J', fontsize=18)
#ax.set_ylabel(r'LF [pc$^{-3}$ mag$^{-1} $]', fontsize=18)
#ax.set_xlim([10, 16])
#ax.set_ylim([0., 0.005])

ax1.step(teffgrid, baraffe_phi_teff,  where='mid')
ax1.step(teffgrid, saumon_phi_teff, where='mid')
ax1.step(teffgrid, sonora_phi_teff, where='mid')
ax1.step(teffgrid, phil_phi_teff,  where='mid')
for index, row in klf.iterrows():
    if row.lf==0.0:
    elif row.lfunc==0.0:
        ax1.errorbar(row.tfm,  row.lf*(10**-3), yerr=0.0005, color='#111111', fmt='o',lolims=True, ls='none')
        ax1.errorbar(row.tfm,  row.lf*(10**-3),  yerr=row.lfunc*(10**-3), color='#111111', fmt='o')
ax1.set_xlabel(r'T$_{eff}$ [K]', fontsize=18)
ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\frac{dN}{dTeff}$ [ K$^{-1}$ pc$^{-3}$]', fontsize=18)
ax1.legend(fontsize=18, labels=['B03',  'SM03',  'Sonora',  'P20', 'K19',])
ax1.set_xlim([3000, 100.])

In [22]:
js_bar=wisps.absolute_magnitude_jh(np.sort( baraffe['system_spts'].flatten()))[0]
js_sonora=wisps.absolute_magnitude_jh(np.sort( sonora['system_spts'].flatten()))[0]
js_phil=wisps.absolute_magnitude_jh(np.sort( phillips['system_spts'].flatten()))[0]

In [23]:
jgrid=np.arange(10, 16, .5)

In [24]:
normjs_bar = 1.5*(10**-3)/ len(js_bar[np.logical_and(js_bar>=11.75, js_bar <11.75+0.5)])
normjs_saumon = 1.5*(10**-3)/ len(js_saumon[np.logical_and(js_saumon>=11.75,js_saumon<11.75+0.5)])
normjs_sonora=1.5*(10**-3)/ len(js_sonora[np.logical_and(js_sonora>=11.75,js_sonora<11.75+0.5)])
normjs_phil=1.5*(10**-3)/ len(js_phil[np.logical_and(js_phil>=11.75,js_phil<11.75+0.5)])

baraffe_phi_j=custom_histogram(js_bar, jgrid, 0.5)*normjs_bar
saumon_phi_j=custom_histogram(js_saumon, jgrid,0.5)*normjs_saumon
sonora_phi_j=custom_histogram(js_sonora, jgrid,0.5)*normjs_sonora
phil_phi_j=custom_histogram(js_phil, jgrid,0.5)*normjs_phil

In [25]:
DNLF={"J": dntb.M_J.values, 'lf': dntb.Density.values, 
     "er":[[1.39, 0.39, 0.29, 0.20, 0.18, 0.15, 0.41, 0.16, 0.15], [1.62, 4.14, 0.31, 0.23, 0.20, 0.18, 1.65, 0.18, 0.18]]}

In [26]:
CRUZ={"J":[10.75, 11.25, 11.75, 12.25, 12.75, 13.25, 13.75, 14.25, 14.75],
      "lf": [2.38, 1.66, 1.16, 0.83, 0.50, 0.58, 0.50, 0.66, 0.33],
     'er':[0.64, 0.37, 0.31, 0.26, 0.20, 0.22, 0.20, 0.23, 0.17]}

In [27]:
fig, ax1=plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6), ncols=1)
plt.step(jgrid, ryan_lf(jgrid))
plt.step(jgrid, saumon_phi_j)
plt.step(jgrid, baraffe_phi_j)
plt.step(jgrid, sonora_phi_j)
plt.step(jgrid, phil_phi_j)

plt.errorbar(DNLF['J'], DNLF['lf']*0.001, yerr=np.array(DNLF['er'])*0.001,color='#111111', fmt='o')
plt.errorbar(CRUZ['J'], np.array(CRUZ['lf'])*0.001, yerr=np.array(CRUZ['er'])*0.001,color='#B10DC9', fmt='o')

ax1.set_xlabel(r'$M_J$ [mag]', fontsize=18)
ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\frac{dN}{dM_J}$ [mag $^{-1}$ pc$^{-3}$]', fontsize=18)
ax1.legend(fontsize=18, labels=['R15', 'SM03', 'B03', 'Sonora', 'P20', 'B19', 

In [32]:
#save the inertpolated luminosity function

In [54]:
for modname in ['saumon2008', 'baraffe2003', 'marley2019', 'phillips2020']:
    vals=wispsim.make_systems(model_name=modname, bfraction=0.2)
    normteff_bar = 0.63*(10**-3)/ len(teffs_bar[np.logical_and(teffs_bar>=1650, teffs_bar <=1800)])
    normspt=   ((1650-1800)/(24.57-25.77))*0.63*(10**-3)/len(sys_spts[np.logical_and( sys_spts>=24.58,  sys_spts <=25.77)])
    phi_spt=custom_histogram(sys_spts, spt_grid, 1)*normspt
    LF[modname]={'spt':spt_grid, 'phi':phi_spt}

In [55]:
import pickle
with open(wisps.OUTPUT_FILES+'/lf.pkl', 'wb') as file:

In [ ]: